Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Upper body workout--ugh!!


BB hang clean, 6x8x50
BB bentover row, 6x8x70
fast band pulls, 40-45 sec.
rest 90 sec

12 min elliptical, low intensity


offset explosive pushups, 6x8
DB chest press, 6x8x35
fast band punches, 40-45 sec.
rest 90 sec.

12 min elliptical, low intensity

My poundages look wimpy but I truly couldn't have gone heavier, partly because I had a crazy day with all kinds of disruptions to my schedule, and partly because of the way the exercises were sequenced.

I also did about 45 min. of vinyasa flow, then taught a "ballet" class that ended up being about 50% foam rolling and athletic stretching. (Long story: I wasn't scheduled to teach, but the instructor woke up with stomach flu, and I found out I'd be teaching literally 15 minutes before class was supposed to begin. I didn't have the right music with me, and I had no time to run home and get some. So ... I improvised.)

It was actually a fairly awful day. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better. At least it should be shorter.

Also, I hate working out at the gym. I'm so tired of people interrupting me in the middle of my set to complain about things over which I have no jurisdiction.