Sunday, January 18, 2009

Upper body workout

alternating sets with 90 sec. rest between sets:

one arm DB row, 4x8x35
DB incline press, 4x8x30

alternating sets with 60 sec. rest between sets:

KB clean, 4x6x14kg
KB press, 4x6x14kg


band assisted pullups, 3x8
high speed pulling with rubber tubing, 3x50 sec.
rest 60 sec.


1 arm DB shoulder press, 3x10x20
high speed shoulder punching with rubber tubing, 3x40 sec.
rest 60 seconds.

30 minutes of Cathe's Kick Punch & Crunch. I didn't wear my heart rate monitor, but I think I was about where I needed to be intensity-wise.